Monday, May 2, 2011

Happy May (the 2nd) Day!

First of all, there is no exciting news yet regarding Lily. There- now you don’t have to scroll around until I finally tell you that.  Today marks the beginning of week 38! It could be today, it could be in a month. The next doctor’s appointment is tomorrow so we’ll have a slightly better idea then.

Since we had voted ‘undecided’ regarding the middle name for quite some time, we finally settled down and figured one out that we mutually agreed upon. So it’s official. Lily Mae Klopfenstein it shall be, now and forevermore. Unless something drastic happens. 

the touch screen wall at the Hard Rock- apparently verrry entertaining...

There was a fair here!!! I haven’t been to a fair since I started college so of COURSE I made Thomas go. It wasn’t huge or anything and it was slightly less exciting than the Sandwich fair. Still, the fair food was just as gratifying. His friend Alex went with us, and they both just kept asking, “What do we do now? What are we doing?” It’s the fair! You just walk around and do whatever you want! I can’t MAKE you have a good time…We did find sea lions in lieu of the petting zoo (which was closed when we got there).  And there was the flamey-throwey acrobatic people as well. This was how they were discovered: “blah blah blah LOOK! FIRE!”

 The next time I'm on here there will (hopefully) be a third one of us!

The Klopfensteins :)