I had no idea today was the 31st! Well, January came and went in a hurry, that's for sure...As I'm sure everyone is still wondering about the gender of the baby situation, no news is HORRIBLE news. This whole referral thing has been a nightmare. I was calling them about once or twice a week to see if I could find the right person to talk to, but finally last week we just went in to the office and we're going back there today. We shall see if the fire under their roll-y chairs needs to be re-lit... Oh, and the sweet tooth thing has returned! Very sad. I was hoping I would just continue with the pickle/salt thing, but no. It's back to chocolate and ice cream, baby! (Thank goodness Thomas doesn't like my favorite kind of ice cream- zero competition.) I don't feel like a boat all the time, just some of it, but Renee informed me that pretty soon here I'll be a yacht. Oh goody. The farther along I get, the more people smile at me when I'm out. I'm pretty sure it's just because I'm fatter than they are...
The pic makes the pooch's eyes look like he's a minion, but he's still super sweet! He's a spot-stealer though. The moment you get up from the couch, he's there. Actually, if he sees a vacant inch in between 2 people on the couch, he's there. He went to the vet a few weeks ago for his shots, and he did very well! The only thing he whined and cried about was getting his nails cut. I thought for sure they were turning him into glue back there...I'm still not sure he will forgive us when he goes back for his little surgery...Of all the times I've taken him to the dog-park, he's the only one I've ever seen there that's not fixed. Thank goodness he's not too aggressive. When he finds a pit or a boxer, he pretty much just shadows them wherever they go. If they start to get rough he just hops around sideways like a bunny saying "AH! What are you doing?! I was told to play nice and you are NOT playing nice! HELP!" The good news is he's completely oblivious to any fights that get started. One started about 10 feet away from him and he just turned around and snuck away (please don't notice me, please don't notice me)...It's a good thing he doesn't cause problems because he ignores me too when we're there. Although I will say, when I want to leave, all I have to do is catch his eye and start walking towards the gate and he is right there- so no one has to know he's not completely trained to come when called! :)
Thomas' parents are coming this weekend-woo hoo! Thomas got off work and if Sue doesn't bring too much rain with her this time, maybe we'll get to do some hiking or something outdoor-sy. :) But even if it's pouring down rain, we'll still be glad they're coming.
As far as food goes, the most-cooked item award still goes to cookies! A close second goes to pancakes, but you can't just pick up a pancake...the concept's not the same...see, this is why I'm gonna be a yacht!
Good news! There's gonna be a girl I know living next door! I use the term 'know' loosely here- I've seen her like twice, but still. Some of Thomas' friends were gonna move into the complex and the one next door happened to still be vacant so if all goes as planned, some of his friends will be much closer and one of them's a GIRL! :) I hope she never reads this, cuz she's gonna think I'm a freak...
(When Steve and Sue come I'm sure there will be lots of pictures taken, so we'll be sure to steal some to post!)
The Klopfensteins :)
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