Wednesday, April 4, 2012

I suppose it's time for an update...

Thank goodness you can log into this thing with Google! I don't think I would've been able to remember my username or password... So, what's new? Well, we had a baby! I can't tell if she came yesterday or 10 years ago. Time is in this strange continuum lately. But we love her and every day we ask each other "Is she NOT the cutest baby you've ever seen? How is she always cute?" No, we're not biased! I don't remember when she started rolling, but she started crawling around 4 or 5 months and she's not quite walking yet at 10 months. You know, I think I'm ok with that. On the one hand, she may have to slow down while she figures it out, but then I'm sure it will progress to RUNNING! We can hardly catch her when she kicks it in high gear as it is. Sooo...yes. We finally got her used to the weather in Arizona and then we moved to North Carolina. (I'm sure she's not a fan of going to bed in flannels on a night that turns out to not be cold and wearing thin cotton on a night that turns out to be freezing...) We switched her over from a baby bath tub to the regular tub and it's safe to say that she's not really relaxed and tired when she gets out of there. Splash, splash! Giggle, giggle! Squeeze the water toys at mom! Oooh! A faucet! Water going over my head- better stand up on the side before I DROWN!!!! (Sputter, sputter!) Splash! Splash! She still goes to bed relatively easily, HALLELUJAH, even with all the moving around and staying at different places all the way up here. Her schedule actually transitioned easily since we're a full 3 hours different. That's like just going to bed instead of down for a nap...She runs around the whole house all day long (except for when she's in her high chair eating- which is happening more and more these days). When the cat comes in the house at night she will chase him around the living room and kitchen until we put a stop to it (too much and it'll ruin the cat's dinner and we don't mess with the cat's dinner...). She talks all the time. Lots of inflection but not too much variation. Really, no variation at all. Just Da. The occasional Da-D! (hard emphasis on the ending D). That usually means, I'm very serious about this- look at me when I'm talking to you.

In case you think our lives are all about Lily, well, they are. Few things happen that she doesn't have her sticky 'lil fingers in. But everyone's doing fine. Granddaddy finds things to do to occupy his time, Thomas works his job 5 days a week, and I just sit around all day on my blog. :) Lily just cannot get enough of Granddaddy. He has the best food and he plays with her all during dinner.

I think the biggest thing (s) we have difficulty getting used to here is/are the bugs and SPIDERS. I. Declare. Does any of the rest of world have any spiders or are they all here? I've seen teensy tiny snakes by the back steps once or twice and there's a frog that gets stuck down there once in a while. So...not spending all my time there. And you wonder why I'm waiting to get super thick gardening gloves and boots before trying to pull weeds or ANYTHING in the yard? You'll see me beating the bushes with sticks for an hour before I get the nerve to put my hand in there. shiiiiiiver.

P.S. I would post pix to end this, but alas, they are all on facebook anyway...

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