Tiger Lily kept her mother busy, but she was a sweet sugar baby so no. At this point in the story nobody loses their mind. Keep reading.
One day, one very dark, very sad, fateful day, the evil witch Ouisa became bored. As she surveyed the kingdom around her, her eye lit on the happy scene that was this odd family's life. (Also, there are two other characters in this family, but they don't appear too much in this story. The first, the Sand Man, likes to hibernate during the warm season and the second, The Tank Engine, goes to work during the hours in which witches play.)
Soooo yes. She saw a happy scene and just HAD to go mess around in somebody else's business. Her mind began form a plan. THE plan. The plan with an evil laugh. HA, ha, ha, ha, haaaaa. HO, ho, ho, ho, hooooo. (Ok, it's not SANTA'S plan...) She sneaked behind the bushes that were near Tiger Lily's favorite rock and waited. When the Princess was escorted outside by Anastasia and Toto and taken to her favorite rock, Ouisa waited for a chance to whisper into her ear. Finally, Toto spotted a tornado and dashed away to chase it. Anastasia called for him to return saying, "I don't have time to play right now, I'm waiting for a sign." (I just like that line, sorry, I know it doesn't make sense...) She stamped and she called and she whistled. And while she was making this huge racket of noise, Ouisa slipped up to Tiger Lily and placed a sparkle of mischief in her eye. Then she slipped away back into the woods unnoticed and waited for her plan to come to fruition. On the way back into the wigwam, her mother did notice this sparkle, but attributed it to the fresh air that any Indian princess would get in Russia. That evening, as Anastasia was making dinner for her and the Sand Man, Tiger Lily stopped emptying out the cabinet she was working on and WALKED to another one! This moment. This exact moment. This is when the evil witch Ouisa knew without a doubt her plan was going to work. Once Tiger Lily discovered she had a new ability, she ran with it. (well, thank goodness there was no actual running-yet) She would see her mother in the kitchen and wander into the bathroom to peer into the toilet (aHA! Also the witch's doing I am SURE. And do not tell me to get the contraption that holds the lid down. Are you volunteering to clean for me? Is there anyone in the world that can seriously unlatch that thing fast enough?) Anyway. Once her mother came to chase her out of the bathroom she would squeal and teeter into her room, drawing attention from Toto. Anastasia would make it out of the bathroom in time to trip over Toto who would spin around in surprise, knocking the Princess over with his tail. After a few pathetic wails, mother and daughter would go back to the kitchen to finish dinner. Daughter waits for mother to stir something on stove. Totters into the living room to see who has any stray chip clips for her to pinch her fingers with. Wimpers bring the mother into the living room. After mother decides to sit in the living room with her, daughter chicken struts back into the kitchen to find the saucepan lid she threw down before her shenanigans in the bathroom. When dinner has been had, when the baby has had her milk, when the mother's has lost all will to stand upright, Tiger Lily puts her lil arms through her pajama deer skins and holds her mama until she's ready to go to sleep. This is everyone's favorite part of the day. And this is how we know that they all lived happily ever after. And the evil, horrible, disgusting witch, Ouisa, was never heard from again.
The End.
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